
My website serves as a personal cache, gathering interesting information that I want to keep for myself. I publicly share some of this content, such as recommended travel destinations or descriptions of my projects. However, the majority of resources are only accessible after logging in, allowing me to store mind maps created after reading books and more private information.

Status: Completed.

Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, Java, HTML, Thymeleaf, SQL, RWD, Media Query, JUnit, Mockito, Lombok

 Authentication - logging in with a username and password to unlock content
Polish and English language versions.
 Near 100% functional test coverage
WebControllers using Model
Created database with website content
Automated Controller
Automatic arrangement of tiles according to set priorities
High-level RWD - website adapted for mobile versions
Passing values using Thymeleaf
Different backgrounds and styles depending on the subpage theme

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